Arty Stuff

Now that I'm ahead of the game with my quilts for QuiltWest I had some time on my hands yesterday.  I decided to get all the fabric paints, shiva sticks, decolourant etc that I haven't tried yet and have a go at some textile techniques. It was great fun and although some things worked better than others it was a good learning experience. 

Have I got enough stuff?

Finished product....


  1. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist showing off! Roll on arrival of fabric dyes. Susan

  2. You lucky thing Phil!! I have been dreaming about a day playing with my 'toys' and have not had even the slightest chance yet. Maybe we could play together one day. Tracy xx

    1. Yes we could have a play day but you need to stop working first! Or better still start that business so we can call it work....


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