Vote now!

I've just entered the weekly 'Quilting Blogger's' Quilt Contest for the first time. If you would like to see the quilts and vote (not necessarily for mine!) click on the logo on the side bar to get to the site. I've entered my  'Let it Snow' quilt.


  1. very nice. been there and voted.
    Lovely competition

  2. I just saw your Snowflake quilts on Quilting Gallery and have been cruzing around on your blog for the last 5 minutes. Love all of your quilts that you have posted!! I really like your Crazy Garden quilt, very interesting but don't envy you picking out those stitches!! I think I need to get busy and post my quilt pictures on my blog somday. I'll go back and vote for your quilt now, it has been fun finding your blog..I'll come back again.


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