I haven't posted for a while because I've been struggling to get my 'Fair Trade' top finished. It's been really hard to get into my sewing room lately, even though I've had to pass it (and the design wall) every day. The work in progress has been looking back at me asking why I'm procrastinating so much.
I realise that I'm very bad at working to a deadline (entry forms for QuiltWest have to be in at the end of this month) as I seem to put things off more if I have to do something by a certain date. This is not logical but explains my 'Guilty Quilter' blog title - I feel guilty if I don't do my daily jobs and guilty if I don't complete a quilting project! The more guilt, the more I bury my head in the sand...
Happy to say that I've been smothering the guilt (not the quilt!) and have been working all week on 'Fair Trade' having made real progress. The house is a tip and I need to get a bit of sunshine before too long but there's a chance the top will be ready to photograph for the exhibition. Then the thing needs quilting! Sigh...
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